Sound & Vision.

Collaborators: Audiosocket & Juan Villanueva.

Coming March 2025.

How might we establish a link between music and typography?

Sound & Vision and the Fonic app directly respond to the merger of typography and sound in multimedia and brand design. The brief for the project, written by Audiosocket and Monotype, challenged Monotype Senior Type Designer Juan Villanueva to capture “typographic synesthesia,” the condition of hearing and feeling type designs. This collaboration resulted in an AI sound-and-type pairing engine called Fonic — an app that transforms user prompts into harmonious audio-visual pairings of music and fonts.

Type designers have a seemingly preternatural ability to connect the abstract forms of letters to sensory experiences—a song with a font, a font with a color, a font with a mood. What if that natural/nurtured ability was available to everyone? Art and design regularly stimulate our senses. This project allows us to see the world as a sound designer and the hear the world like a type designer.

Charles Nix, Sr. Executive Creative Director, Monotype.