Tag: Font licensing

43 articles

5 Tips for facing a font compliance challenge.

There’s something empowering about being a problem-solver. In the case of fonts, that often means being the one to resolve font license gaps. Everyone at your organization uses fonts, after all, and you have the chance to say, “I got this. I’ll make sure our creatives have the right tools so they can design with confidence.”

Font licensing principles unpacked.

What is the difference between a typeface, a font, a font file, a font license, and a EULA? Does a font license cover one or multiple fonts? What informs a font license strategy? What’s the easiest way to resolve a font license gap—before or after it arises? From fundamental principles to pre-purchase considerations, this guide aims to help you confidently speak the language of fonts.

5 Common font management issues Monotype Fonts will help you fix.

Let’s look at some common font issues you might have already come across, and how Monotype Fonts can help you resolve them.

The cloud has changed the way companies license fonts. Here’s why you might need to make a change, too.

The way we work, including how we use and share fonts, has changed dramatically in the past couple of decades.

Choosing the right type for your project.

As a disclaimer: There are no big secrets here, no giant revelations from my 20 years of design and type experience, but it may be helpful to see how someone else goes about the process of narrowing down their font options. Once you start giving focused thought and deliberate time to choosing fonts, your choices will get better. 


GPU text rendering techniques.

Text rendering is an important component in the design of modern graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and digital media. With the increasing demand for high-quality graphics, animation and real-time rendering, the use of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for text rendering has become a popular solution.

Adapt to the latest trends and ways of working with Monotype Fonts. Here’s how.

Get inspired, stay adaptable, and deliver on-trend work with time-saving tools within Monotype Fonts.

8 reasons why you should pay for fonts.

Paid fonts are superior to free fonts in a variety of ways (and no, we’re not just saying that because we sell fonts). Learn what separates a premium font from a free font from experts at Monotype. 


How a Monotype Fonts subscription takes agencies to the next level.

From a supercharged creative team to account managers, a Monotype Fonts subscription empowers every role in an agency.

Why free fonts are costlier than you think.

From hidden viruses to incompatible applications, downloading free fonts comes with various challenges. Learn about the hidden dangers of free fonts and how a paid font library can help.

Legal font licensing: Secrets to avoiding pitfalls with fonts.

Font. Music. Imagery. Colors. These elements are all integral to creating digital assets and marketing campaigns. Like Cinderella, however, only one magical font will fit a specific project or campaign. If a marketing or creative team finds what they think is the perfect font that helps express the message behind the effort, everything else seems to fall into place–except for legal font licensing.

How Monotype makes life easier for designers & design teams.

The story of our world is written in type. Learn how Monotype Fonts makes things a lot easier for designers, especially when it comes to finding and sharing fonts, acquiring licensing, staying relevant, and building great brands. Watch the video, and get excited—it may change your life.

Here’s why leadership should care about company fonts.

You’ve been there before: there’s a new tool or system that could be useful for your organization or company, and now it’s up to you, and the rest of the leadership team, to decide whether it’s worth it.

Why Monotype Fonts makes financial sense for creative teams.

Depending on how you currently manage your fonts, paying for a Monotype Fonts subscription can be an upfront investment that provides a substantial return. But as with anything that requires a yearly fee, it’s natural to wonder whether spending money on a font management tool makes financial sense to your creative team.

Stay on top of your game with on-demand education through a partnership with Monotype.

Agency creatives understand the integral role fonts play in communicating a brand’s message through multiple touchpoints, but using fonts in a modern landscape requires licensing and intellectual property experts. To get ahead of the game, creatives need to learn how to use fonts to their advantage in a way that allows their clients’ brands to not only stand out, but adapt to new technologies and expanding consumer needs.

Partnering for success: The transformative power of Monotype's best-in-class support.

Agency creatives understand the integral role fonts play in communicating a brand’s message through multiple touchpoints, but using fonts in a modern landscape requires licensing and intellectual property experts. To get ahead of the game, creatives need to learn how to use fonts to their advantage in a way that allows their clients’ brands to not only stand out, but adapt to new technologies and expanding consumer needs.

Guide to licensing and subscription.

There’s a Monotype Fonts plan for everyone — from individual freelancers to small and mid-sized teams, up to global enterprise organization.