Sagrantino™ shines at large sizes – and in vibrant colors. Think big posters, commanding headlines, massive banners and oversized packaging. Set headlines in the Highlight or Shadow designs and running copy in the Regular – all on the same page!
Sagrantino could be called the Lava Lamp of fonts. It’s slick, glossy, retro and futuristic. Somehow, it’s fresh and quirky-classic at the same time. This is a design that challenges you to think outside the text box. In fact, Sagrantino is so lively, it took three Monotype typeface designers, Karl Leuthold, Juan Villanueva and Carl Crossgrove, to draw it.
The Cavolini™ typeface family, by Carl Crossgrove, is unique to handwriting fonts. It’s a family of several designs, and was developed for small screens. Cavolini has all the casual charm and immediacy of handwriting, while maintaining high levels of typographic clarity.
Akira Kobayashi’s Between™ typeface comes in three main states. While different from each other, they all offer human-centered design to ensure that copy set in them is affable and approachable. An added benefit is the ability to transition “between” font designs, choosing different styles – or even individual characters – to create hierarchy, contrast or emphasis.
Neue Kabel
Marc Schütz, a type design teacher at the University for Art and Design Offenbach, took on the challenge of updating and re-imaging the original Kabel® typeface design. His goal was to create forms that perform well in modern imaging environments while keeping the original Kabel’s character and charm.
Neue Kabel maintains the spirit of Koch’s design, and adds to this the consistent traits and family structure of a 21st century design. Text copy set in Neue Kabel echoes the elegance and playfulness of Koch’s design, while delivering the versatility to shine in a wide variety of hardcopy and interactive environments.
Posterama™ is a modular series of geometric sans serif families, inspired by events, movements and typography of the 20th century. The original design had notes of Futura and Gill Sans, with a softness reminiscent of letterpress, phototype and other forms of printing. Corners are manually rounded to achieve this effect.
Gill Sans Nova
The Gill Sans® Nova typeface expands the much-loved Gill Sans family from 18 to 43 fonts and features a coordinated range of roman and condensed designs. Several new display fonts are available, including a suite of six inline weights, shadowed outline fonts that were never digitized and Gill Sans Nova Deco that was previously withdrawn from the Monotype library.
Joanna Nova
The Joanna® Nova design is an extensive update to Eric Gill’s original Joanna typefaces and brings this much admired – but underused – slab serif typeface into the 21st century. Joanna Nova features 18 fonts – more than twice as many as the original Joanna – with a wide range of weights including thin and ultra black, which were not available in the original design.
Joanna Sans Nova
The Joanna® Sans Nova family is the only typeface in the Eric Gill Series that was not initially designed by Gill. Created by Monotype Studio designer Terrance Weinzierl over a three-year period with digital applications at the forefront of the design criteria, Joanna Sans Nova is a humanist sans serif based primarily on Gill’s original Joanna.
Joanna Sans Nova has a larger x-height to ensure high levels of legibility – even on small digital screens. Due to its inherent humanist proportions, Joanna Sans Nova is surprisingly comfortable for longer form reading.