The Time Is Now.

We Stand Against Racism, We Stand Against Violence and We Stand Against Injustice. The time is now to stand for something and that something is clear.

Scott Landers, Monotype CEO


No matter how you look at it, 2020 will be a year that is studied in the history books. From a global pandemic, to economic instability, to mental health challenges, all of us are finding ourselves navigating an increasingly challenging and frightening world.

Over the past week, the United States has added yet another layer of trauma following the tragic death of George Floyd. Protests have sprung up in nearly every major city, laying bare the raw pain and frustration that courses through large swaths of our country.

Earlier today, I spoke with our team at Monotype, making it clear that We Stand Against Racism, We Stand Against Violence and We Stand Against Injustice. The time is now to stand for something and that something is clear. I know I don’t have all of the answers.

As leaders, we need to speak during these times, but more importantly we need to listen. We listen as a means to understand. If we understand we can act in the most productive way to impact change.

To that end, at Monotype, one of our stated values is to “Include and Care for All.” We live this value in our homes, we live this value at work. We are committed to do our part to impact change in our communities and the world at large.

We are proud to stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, customers and the community during this time. We will Stand, we will Listen, we will Act, we are with You.

- Scott Landers, Monotype CEO