Shorai Sansは、幾何学的な形状が特徴のMonotypeの日本語書体です。Monotypeクリエイティブタイプディレクター小林章とタイプデザイナー土井遼太、そして書体デザインの第一人者、中村征宏氏を制作メンバーに迎え開発されました。
Find design inspiration in an age of information overload.
In this article, get a peek at recent and upcoming book releases in a variety of genres to get a sense of what typography styles are trending in publishing right now. This post is a guest piece from our friends at Reedsy, a website that connects authors with publishing professionals.
Today’s brands must keep up with a fast-paced digital world and navigate a “new normal” that’s still emerging from the worst of the pandemic. The last few years shifted everyone’s digital expectations, how brands operate, and in some cases, impacted their business models. Moreover, issues like biodiversity, sustainability, diversity and equity, and brand activism are all booming. So how does this all impact brand building? These macro shifts are greatly influencing how companies position themselves, the services they offer, and how they communicate with their customers.
In early autumn of 2022, EDIT invited Monotype to partner on one of London’s most anticipated rebrands, the refurbished National Portrait Gallery which is home to some of the world’s most iconic and progressive portraits. Read on for the full customer story.
イングランド・ウェールズ・クリケット協会(ECB)は、新しい大会「ザ・ハンドレッド」の導入により、クリケットを再構築しました。Monotypeは、FutureBrand Londonと協力して、より幅広い観客を引き寄せるために大胆で自信に満ちたタイポグラフィのアイデンティティを作り上げました。