Unlock the report: Re:Vision 2025.

Unlock the report: Re:Vision 2025.

How can type and design influence the future?

This report is different – different from what we’ve done in the past and different from the top ten lists found everywhere across the design landscape. This year, we’re turning our gaze forward to examine the trends impacting our world and the ways type and design can leave a mark on our future.

Re:Vision focuses on six key themes:

  • In Sound & Vision, we explore the intersection of typography and other sensory elements in modern multimedia
  • In Human Types, we look at the rapidly evolving relationship between Artificial Intelligence and design
  • Freedom, Law & Order examines politics through the conversation between free expression and the rule of law
  • In Life Cycle, we explore aging and the form and function of type in the generational continuum
  • Conflict & Peace investigates the role of design and typography in instigating, mediating, and processing conflict
  • Hot & Wet delves into the intersection of typography and the environment

This is not curation, this is a call to action. Check out Re:Vision today and get ready to make something new.


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Unlock the report: Re:Vision 2025.
Agency, Branding, Creative