DIN Next Slab
DIN Next Slab, also produced under the direction of Akira Kobayashi, the typeface is a variant based on the optimized shapes of DIN Next. The expansion will make the popular font all the more flexible and versatile.
DIN Next Slab, also produced under the direction of Akira Kobayashi, the typeface is a variant based on the optimized shapes of DIN Next. The expansion will make the popular font all the more flexible and versatile.
Akira Kobayashi’s Between™ typeface comes in three main states. While different from each other, they all offer human-centered design to ensure that copy set in them is affable and approachable.
Created with the needs of branding design in mind, Jan Hendrik Weber's Unitext is a crisp, clean typeface that functions well across print and online use. It blends humanist and grotesque qualities, adopting a style that the designer describes as “neo grotesque”.
When he discovered the Sachsenwald typeface, Toshi Omagari saw the opportunity to revive and preserve a beautiful blackletter design. Toshi adding an alternate X character, and created light and regular weights to accommodate a whole new set of uses.
The Pegasus typeface, originally designed by Berthold Wolpe, is full of surprises. The E and F both have oversized serifs. The A and H have cross bars of very different thicknesses. The K and g look a little unhinged, and the g boasts a distinctive, spiky loop.
Initially designed for Fanfare Press, the Fanfare typeface packed more into a small space than most typefaces. It was a natural for book and movie titles, and more general branding. Albertus is serious, classical and monumental, while Fanfare is modern, light and playful.
In the Albertus Nova typeface, Toshi Omagari has revived a number of alternate capital letters created by Berthold Wolpe that have been unavailable in the existing digital version. This includes the uppercase M, W, J, E, R and Q. He designed five weights - light, thin, regular, bold and black- as well as Greek and Cyrillic characters.
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