
12 articles

Explore the findings: Font Use & Forecasting Survey Report.

The 2024 Global Font Use & Forecasting Survey by Monotype and Censuswide provides an in-depth look at current trends and future projections in the font industry. With insights from 4,777 participants across more than 13 countries, this survey investigates what design industry members are looking for and why they choose certain fonts.


Unlock the report: Re:Vision 2025.

This report is different – different from what we’ve done in the past and different from the top ten lists found everywhere across the design landscape. This year, we’re turning our gaze forward to examine the trends impacting our world and the ways type and design can leave a mark on our future.


Unlock the Report: Type Trends 2024.

The time has come, our popular Type Trends report is back, and it’s bigger and better than ever. Over the last year, we here at Monotype have been scouring the world for inspiring design work and compiling examples of typography that reflect these changing times. Will 2024 be a year of chaotic maximalism, stylish serifs, or quirky hand-lettering? You’ll have to dig in to find out. 


Typography Matters: How science can help you master the art of typeface selection. 

In the world of design, every detail matters. As a creative, you understand that the choice of color, shape, and layout can make or break a design. But what if we told you neuroscience could help you choose typefaces more confidently? 


Typography Matters: How to leverage neuroscience to build a memorable brand.

In the competitive world of marketing, standing out is crucial. As a marketing decision-maker, you’re constantly looking for ways to differentiate your brand and connect with your audience on a deeper level. But have you considered the role of typefaces in your marketing strategy? 


Read the Report: Type Trends 2023.

Now, more than ever, our lives and our design work are constantly in motion. This year’s type trends report is an opportunity for reflection and projection, a pit-stop along the way, to help you charge up and plan for the year ahead. The trends report in front of you is a scenic overlook, a landscape snapshot worth capturing.


Can fonts affect our feelings?

In partnership with applied neuroscience company Neurons, we began conducting research to find out if and how different typefaces really do affect our emotional state. We wanted to understand how fonts drive experiences, associations, and feelings, and assess the effectiveness of different typefaces in different situations. 


eBook: Type Trends 2022

Monotype’s 2022 Type Trends report explores how several socioeconomic, political, and cultural events continue to shape the way we approach creative work and how connect to each other online and offline.


Always read the fine print.

Learn how today’s fonts handle the demands of modern technology, so you can ensure the fonts you use won’t let your brand down.



How retail brands can compete in our new digital reality.

Modern retail brands find themselves in an era of unprecedented disruption. Here are five ways fonts can strengthen your brand and customer experience.


eBook: 5 ways to take the hassle out of asset licensing

Learn how you can develop a simple, more secure approach to font licensing that puts the focus where it belongs: on the creative work itself.


Five font factors to consider for the financial services sector.

This eBook outlines five ways fonts can help financial services companies keep pace with shifts in consumer behavior and expectations.