Future ready.
Can your brand’s digital strategy meet the moment?
More and more businesses are accelerating their digital strategy—abruptly, in some cases. Here’s what you need to know about making that change.
Let’s go.
We’d love to help you find the right digital strategy for your brand.
Change at warp speed.
A recent McKinsey report made a bold claim: The societal changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic “have vaulted us five years forward in consumer and business adoption in a matter of around eight weeks.”
Five years in eight weeks.
Change at that pace is practically unheard of and presents a major challenge for brands, where new ideas and shifting priorities don’t always take shape as fast as we’d like. But if the future is now, how do you catch up?
Is it time to rethink how creative work gets done?
We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the effect the pandemic has had on the collaborative process that drives creative work at companies everywhere. Here are some ideas about where things could be heading.
Highlights of Netflix at Brand Talks Connected.
Kevin Laurino, Manager of Art & Print Production, Retouching and Finishing, at Netflix shares experiences from his career-long relationship with fonts and solutions his team has implemented to simplify licensing and improve collaboration.
Focus on: Retail.

The retail industry has experienced arguably the most drastic series of changes over the past decade. Customers have gradually shifted more of their shopping activities online, leaving malls and brick-and-mortar stores with declining traffic.
Now, enter COVID-19. The pandemic has accelerated the inevitable, forcing everyone online, and the numbers are staggering: U.S. retailers’ online revenue has spiked by 68% year-over-year in 2020. Brands that hadn’t made or even begun the shift to a digital model have had to do so overnight.
Our latest eBook details the ways retail brands (and any brand, really) can make that transition and prepare for whatever’s next.
The future of retail branding.
See how retail brands can not only respond to these changes, but build a visual identity that will last through whatever comes next.
What’s a store for? Rethinking retail in the lockdown era.
As people—and brands—continue sprinting toward digitally immersed experiences, a human, personal online presence will make a big difference. Here’s how can design help make that possible.
Where digital and physical meet: The future of retail.
The idea of brick and mortar stores has been a hot topic lately. Are they dying? Thriving? Whatever you believe, they’re changing, with an eye toward digital.
Tools of the trade.
Fonts not only carry the key messages you want to convey, but draw a visual throughline across all your customer touchpoints.
But fonts are also software, and they deliver essential functionality to all the places your customers interact with your brands: Your emails, digital ads, apps, website, and so on.
When fonts work well, your customers’ experience is smooth, seamless, positive, and trustworthy. When fonts don’t work well … let’s just say it’s a different story.
Ensuring your fonts work properly is not rocket science, but there are some things you need to know. Read on to learn more.
When type goes tiny
When screens get smaller, spacing gets tight, details get lost, and forms blend together. The resulting legibility issues can make for a frustrating reading experience. Here’s how to find the fonts that can fix it.
How to choose a font that works everywhere.
Whether you are looking for a new brand font or want to establish a consistent visual identity across the web, here’s how to choose a font that works everywhere.
Talking digital strategy at Brand Talks Connected.
Strichpunkt at Brand Talks Connected – EMEA.
Markus Dunke, Chief Client Officer, and Tanja Freudenthaler, Creative Director, for Strichpunkt Design, present their Audi case study at Brand Talks Connected – EMEA on November 18, 2020.
Dropbox at Brand Talks Connected – Americas.
Collin Whitehead, Director of Central Design for Dropbox, presents at Brand Talks Connected – Americas on November 19, 2020.
Panel discussion at Brand Talks Connected – Americas.
Melissa Centrella, Senior Director of Marketing for Monotype, moderates a lively discussion with esteemed panelists Ben Carmean, Group Creative Director at VMLY&R; Marti Romances, Creative Director and Cofounder at Territory Studio; Jim Bogenrief, Vice President, Head of Brand Strategy at First Republic Bank; and Jamie Levy, Head of Merchant Engagement, Shopify Plus.
SUMMA Branding at Brand Talks Connected – EMEA.
Pablo Amade, Creative Director for SUMMA Branding, presents his Correos case study at Brand Talks Connected – EMEA on November 18, 2020.
Read more.
How design and creativity can help meet this moment.
Perhaps the biggest challenge is not figuring out how to return to whatever “normal” used to look like, but how to let go of the vision we held for the future we thought we’d have.