Type resources for designers and brand owners
Brand Talks Connected delivers Monotype’s popular Brand Talks event series directly to wherever it is you’re working these days. We hope you’ll join us for the next virtual event.
James Sommerville talks through his career, from Prince Charles and Attik all the way through Coca-Cola, and shares his perspective on design and branding.
On November 7, Monotype hosted our second Brand Talks in Paris to explore the ways brands are impacted by both social and economic changes and how they can evolve. A few years ago, brands did not have the same considerations, but they now must keep pace with major issues such as environmental concerns, changing societal expectations, and new ways of engaging with the audience.
If you’re using a messaging app in China, chances are it’s owned by Tencent. See the brand identity and typeface that is helping Tencent expand to new markets.